Have you ever heard of COBOL? Considered a relic of the past, it is still a technological mainstay today. Used by 70% of Fortune 500 companies and preferred for its stability and efficiency in data processing, this tech defies expectations and continues to shine in the digital age.

Have you ever heard of COBOL? If so, you have probably found yourself in the same situation as many: this language was thought to be a thing of the past, something like an archaeological treasure in a museum. The reality is completely different. This lenguaje is not only alive and kicking, it is also the language of the present and the future. It is no joke.

It is used by 70% of the Fortune 500 companies. In addition, several government agencies have full confidence in its capabilities. This gives us an idea of the vast field of work that this language offers.

In a world of rapidly advancing technology, COBOL has proven to be more than resilient; it is essential to many commercial and government operations.

Its longevity and market presence are clear evidence of its continued and underestimated relevance in today’s technology landscape.

Why is it still a strong contender in the job market?

Ease of learning:
The technology is based on the English language and its simple structure makes it easy to understand programs without the need to learn complicated syntax.

Stability in the job market:
Companies that use this tech tend to do so because of the high costs associated with replacing it.

Numerical accuracy:
COBOL is widely used in the financial sector because of its ability to process numbers with high precision, making it an ideal choice for critical financial applications.

Efficient data access:
This tech can process data quickly from a variety of sources, including relational and hierarchical database management systems.

The readability of this code and its hierarchical structure make it easy to maintain, reducing the need for extensive code comments.

After 50 years of optimizations, still remains fast and efficient, especially in data-intensive processing applications.


In short, COBOL defies outdated perceptions that relegated it to museums, as it remains a vital part of business and financial operations. Its ease of use, stability and numerical accuracy, as well as its ability to adjust to current technological demands, keep it an indispensable mainstay in the modern business world.

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